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Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS)

​Save 70% of your R&D expenditure
Max HK$10,000,000 subsidy

Experience | Concentration = Professional

創科基金 enquiry

The "Enterprise Support Program" is a cutting-edge R&D grant for businesses. It has been in operation for 7 years, with over 100 applications per year and an annual average of more than 70 million grants approved. The majority of the successful applicants are Science Park companies.

Our company's advantage is that we have the experience to assist you in successfully applying for this special fund, whether your company is a science park or non-science park company, a start-up, a publicly traded company, or even an unofficially established company.

How does ESS Funding works?

企業支援計劃 Enterprise Support Scheme ESS HK

Dollar-for-dollar Match fund(ESS)

ITC 50% / Applicant 50%

support of up to HK$10M and up to 2 years.

ESS funding supports:

  • All existing or to be recruited R&D related man power

  • R&D project related equipment procurement

  • Other Direct cost such as outsource services

No repayment required, no IP and profile sharing required​.

ESS fund is project based and no limitation on the number of application.

After finished ESS Funding

Cash Rebate Scheme

After successfully finish enterprise support scheme, applicants can apply for another scheme call “Cash Rebate Scheme” which can receive another 40% of the applicant’s expense.
(Approximately 20% of the project total expense)

企業支援計劃 Enterprise Support Scheme ESS HK Funding__投資研發現金回贈計劃

Applicant only undertake 30% of the total R&D cost

企業支援計劃案例 Enterprise Support Scheme ESS HK

In another word, with enterprise support scheme, salary, equipment and out source services are

70% cheaper.

Also it means the capital of

the project is 3x bigger.

Check ITC R&D Funding Qualification now!

It is project based. You can submit again and again

To those who succeed the application of ESS Funding

You are eligible to apply another 2 scheme which is only open to Science Park and Cyber Port tenant.

Research Talent Hub:

extra support to hire 4 Bachelor / Master / Phd team member to support the project.

the max support for Bachelor is HK$21K/M/head;

the max support for Master is HK$24.15K/M/head.

the max support for Phd is HK$46.5K/M/head

企業支援計劃 Enterprise Support Scheme ESS HK 研究員薪金資助
Flexible R&D Financial Plan
企業支持計劃基金 Enterprise Support Scheme ESS HK funding

Don't worry, you don't have to input your 50% at once.

The scheme support your R&D activities up to 2 years. ITC set half year as a milestone.

You input your money at every milestone's beginning.

The input amount is your total undertake amount divides the number of milestone.

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